Research Paper Presentations

A major component of this course is reading and discussing research papers during our meetings. To kick this discussion off, a participant will present the paper being discussed in PowerPoint slides at the beginning of the session.

Presentations should be 30-45 minutes, and cover the paper in depth, i.e., not only the high-level framing, but also the detailed system design, implementation, evaluation, related work, and if applicable, impact on the field.

Presenters should also come prepared with questions and ideas to seed the discussion, both based on their own thoughts, and also based on questions/feedback from the class on Perusall (available by the Thursday 11:59 PM deadline). The end of your presentation should contain an “opinion part” followed by an interactive “deep dive” into the discussion threads accumulated over the week on Perusall.

Non-presenters should come prepared to actively participate in the discussion, and should have read the paper in detail prior to class and contributed to the Perusall discussion.

By 11:59 PM ET Fridays, presenters should email their slides to the instructor for grading and inclusion on the website.